Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Biography: Hans Scholl (1918-1943)

Hans was born in Germany in the city of Ulm.  Unlike his father and his sister Sophie, Hans did not develop his sense of opposition to the Nazi regime until he completed his service in the Hitler Youth. 

During his time in the Hitler Youth, Hans grew to hate the militaristic order of Nazism and their overt suppression of individual freedoms, which Hans valued deeply.  Upon leaving the Hitler Youth, Hans entered the University of Munich where he studied medicine. 

While there, he met a group of peers that shared in his antagonism towards a National Socialist State.  With the assistance of Kurt Huber, a Professor of philosophy at the University of Munich, Hans and his friends founded the anti-Nazi resistance group called the White Rose. 

The group practiced passive resistance to the Nazi regime by distributing leaflets (six in total) that encouraged others to join the opposition to the Nazis.  Unfortunately in February of 1943, Hans and his sister Sophie were found distributing leaflets on the University's campus and were immediately arrested by the Gestapo. 

They were later charged and found guilty for high treason and he and his sister were executed by hanging on February 22nd 1943.    


  1. Not quite true: Sophie and her brother were executed by guillotine which was the method for capital crimes committed by civilians in Germany at that time

  2. I feel so bad for all the Jews that were harmed during the Holocaust

  3. Yes, they have been guillotined. Its the cruelst thing you can die. I`am so ashamed of this time in my country. My Aunt said that they didn´t know anything about the contentration camps. I can´t believe it because they see that persons disappeared and the nazis make a big propaganda of the hate against jews.
