Monday, May 11, 2009

Resist, Revolt, and Risk - The Purpose

Resistance can come in many forms. It may simply be a reaction against the status quo, a small change such as clothing or hairstyle, or dancing to a different tune. However, it could also be violent confrontations, prominent people leading the way, or extreme defiance. Either way, on a small or large scale, these are all examples of resistance. Thus, when discussing the topic of resistance, it is essential that we look at all spectrums and forms. This is why the Edelweiss Pirates, the Swing Youth, and the White Rose are all perfect examples to demonstrate the resistance movement by the German youth against the Nazi regime. We focus on these three groups for the fact that they all opted to defy against the Nazi party in both similar and dissimilar ways. The Edelweiss Pirates used more direct and aggressive methods of resistance, the Swing Youth used cultural transformations, and the White Rose used peaceful and informative demonstrations. Extending from both large and small scale protesting, all of these groups succeeded in resisting from the norm, which is why their place in anti-Nazi resistance history is at the forefront. It can be argued that these three youth groups were necessary for effectively attacking the Nazis grasp on mainstream Germany, since they exposed the limitations of a Nazi-confined society through various types of resistance, such as direct and aggressive, cultural and political.

Therefore, this blog is dedicated to these people and organizations who risked their lives to fight against evil. Our attempt is to show all facets of these organizations and how they resisted, whether it was a song they sang or physical aggression they practiced. In addition, we want to show how effective, on both a small and large scale, their methods of resistance were. Hopefully, by the end of your exploration of our blog we will have accomplished at least one thing -- to educate others about finding a voice and resisting evil. 


  1. Where can I get a copy of the article dedicated to the edelweiss Piraten (The Enemy of Our Enemy). Thanks

  2. Please share the link for copy of this article. It is so inspiring. I really need to read this.
